My Granny made this for Easter dinner. We were all sitting at the table commenting on how delicious it was. She sat down took a bite and sighed, Ahhh,...
Greek Style Potatoes is a simple recipe, and the closest I can get to the real thing. The best is that it can be adjusted to your taste as you bake it....
This is a savory Indian style rice dish flavored with whole spices and fried onions. Soaking the basmati rice before cooking makes all the difference....
This is a great way to use two of the season's most bountiful crops. Kernels of corn fresh from the cob and tender zucchini are put to wonderful use in...
This Thanksgiving stuffing is fantastic! It is very flavorful and fresh-tasting. This recipe will stuff a 10-pound turkey (which serves six) plus extra....
One of my favorite quick recipes for green asparagus, stir-fried with garlic and olive oil. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice brightens the asparagus up at...
This ketchup does come close to those name brands in terms of taste, texture and color. I've never had a tomato paste-based ketchup that I liked, so I...
This is a fresh tasting, pure jelly with no pectin added. Just the goodness of your backyard. No commercial pectin is required as crabapples have high...
This is a great recipe that I found in another user's comments but nowhere else on the site. Enjoy! We use this as a dip for crab cakes or as a spread...
If you are a regular buyer of store-bought chocolate sauce, and didn't realize how easy it is to make your own at home, then I hope you give this recipe...
These are the best bread and butter pickles I have ever had!! And I have been looking for a long time. I guarantee you'll love them! This recipe makes...
Greek lemon potatoes are the ultimate side dish. Potatoes are slow-roasted with lemon, oregano, and olive oil until they melt in your mouth. Authentic...
Simple tartar sauce for deep fried seafood. It is better if prepared several hours before you will be using it, but it can be used immediately. Store for...